Reedley Fire Department
1060 D St
Reedley, CA 93654

Emergency Contact: 911

Phone: (559) 637-4230

The Reedley Fire Department would like to remind all property owners that the annual weed abatement deadline is April 15th of each year. Notices will be mailed to owners of identified properties about maintaining their property free of tall weeds and grasses, which if left unattended, could lead to a fire hazard.

Weeds are annual grasses that grow in the winter and turn brown in the summer with no watering. The City of Reedley conducts an annual proactive weed abatement program for all vacant lots however; due to weed re-growth and the resulting hazard continuing throughout the fire season, weed abatement must be maintained throughout the year. This may require abatement of the weeds on a frequent basis as they tend to grow back and become a hazard once again.

In the instance of a rainy year near the April 1st deadline, abatement enforcement may be relaxed until drier weather persists.

man standing in weeds
Let’s all do our part to keep Reedley clean, safe and appealing for ourselves and our children. A citizen wishing to make a complaint about a weed abatement problem on property or wanting help finding a lot discing provider may contact the Reedley Fire Department CURE program at 643-4230 or e-mail

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